Thursday, November 5, 2009

White Light, Yellow Light, Red Light...GO?

It never ceases to amuse me that business is gauged on a receptionist flicking on and off with what looks like the lights from my Mother's 1970's era vanity according to incoming call volume....let me correct that...calls waiting on hold.

Even more amusing...supervisors frantically looking through the barren office for a reservation agent to pick up a call. Or--this is even better--a supervisor pretending to analyze one of the call monitors situated between various empty desks. Nope, no matter how long you stare at that monitor, more reservations agents aren't going to pop out of thin air.

We've all heard that saying "a watched pot never boils", right?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Death of a Contract

A Contract is a promise between two or more parties. It can be verbal, it can be written but never undone without expiration, modification or waiver.

~In simpler terms, a contract is a promise to keep your word.~

So what happens when one of the parties violates the agreed upon contract? Should that party's word be taken seriously again? Should they be punished? Or, should it just be assumed that no matter how and why the contract was violated, the reason given is justified?

In Business as well as in Life, we give our word daily. Whether it be a promise to provide a service in return for negotiated fee or a promise as minute as the guarantee of "yes, I will make sure to get the laundry done before you get home from work".

Promises kept are rarely memorable or praised....promises broken are never forgotten and probably shared. Give your Word carefully....your contract may be up for renewal.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The webs we weave...

Oh the tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive....

Why do cob-webs form? Do they begin as a trap? Do they end up as a distraction in the corner of your eye...a barely white, annoying reminder fluttering in the icy draft of the over-used A.C.?

Were we drawn in to a web of promises of perks and incentives? Have we been left with the reminder that we are "lucky to have a job"?

Did we deceive ourselves in to believing that a not-so-free vacation would some how remedy the daily realizations that our worth is not valued?

Remember to clean the cob-webs once in a while. Truth revealed means knowledge gained.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Friend Excedrin

The days are getting longer and longer and my cubicle seems to be closing in on me. My head pounds daily with frustration, sometimes anger. The slower business is the more mistakes are made. Is it that when it is busy, they don't have time to second guess themselves? ....Is there too much time to not follow instincts?